Sunday, June 14, 2009


Journal #12

During a fellow classmates intense class discussion about adoption, many views of the point were discussed. The point was brought up of whether we should tell our kids if they were adopted or not. If we should tell our kids then what age should we do it at, and why should we tell our kids. Will it make them sadder, or less happy in the situation they are in now?

During the class discussion, many different approaches about the topic were taken. Some people said that if children were to learn that they were adopted at earlier ages, it could allow for them to be happy with their new parents more, especially since they decided to tell the truth. It could also cause them to be angry with the parents, and express feelings that state there not the real parents. However, some people may be more happy if you tell them, and then if they want to seek out their birth parents they can, and if they were happy with the fact that their adopted parents took them over the birth parents, then they might not have any reason to seek out the birth parents.

I think that the children should get to know if they are adopted, and they should be told when they start asking a lot of questions, like ‘where do babies come from?’ or ‘why babies come and are needed?’ This is the learning state of the child, and if you tell them at a younger age they will feel as if you never hid anything from them. However they might not feel as loved, as they are not mature yet, but over time they could realize that you cared for them more than the birth parents because you took care of them.

Although it could depress a child, it had good benefits too, and I think that a child would be much happier in the end knowing the truth. It will be hard for the parent to express this to their children, but I believe that it will mean a lot to them. However, I do not have kids, and do not know how most feel, but I personally would want my parents to tell me at a younger age.

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