Sunday, June 14, 2009


Journal #10

Unfortunately, our world consists of a large amount of racism. What is racism? Racism is the prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races. Racism appears in many forms, from people being to prejudice or people having too much discrimination.

When we discussed the black and white proms, and how they each have their own proms set on different dates, I was astonished that this could still happen in today’s societies. Prom is the last school dance of the year for school, and you should get to enjoy it with any of your friends, no matter their colour or their race. Also, the fact that the white prom was held before the black prom is pure discrimination, what are they saying, that white people are better than black people?

Since the prom was student organized, they should have realized that they wanted to be with their friends, and did one prom. Not only would this have allowed for cheaper costs of not having rent the dance area twice, but also it would allow for everyone to feel equally.

No teacher should ever be allowed to be racist. If a teacher showed even the slightest racial mark then they should be fired immediately on the spot, what gives them the right to express their racism and grade different races with lower marks than other races.

However, racism will continue to exist as long as we continue to separate cultures and races of the world. As Morgan Freeman said on 60 minutes, the only way to get rid of racism is to “stop talking about it”. I definitely agree with Freeman, and think that we should all treat each other equally.

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